Monday, September 21, 2009

Women Who Castrating Men For Fun | Frontal Castration

In a frontal castration, a woman insults you in front of others.

It is a powerful way to humiliate you and embarrass you in public. A component of this castration is that since there are people around you, it leaves you feeling stuck because you do not want to cause a scene, and you do not want to let it continue to attack you.

Women Who Castrating Men For Fun
Solution: If it does not stop, leave the situation and try to talk in private. If she refuses to do, go home.

Women Who Castrating Men For Fun

By castration we refer to ways that women attack men in their masculinity.

While you may initiate a conflict with a woman out of pure stupidity or insensitivity, and keep at that level, when a woman is angry against you, it will often attack you at a much deeper level - your manhood, your pride, your confidence and your sense of feeling like "man".

Women Who Castrating Men For Fun
When you castrate a woman, it goes straight to your balls. It is a way for a woman to make you feel inadequate, guilty, and you do not measure. A sign that the woman has castrated you is that, instead of reacting with anger or rage, you feel lethargic, tired, or even apathy. In other words, you will feel defeated.

We all know the feeling of being totally exhausted and drained when fighting with a woman. It is a sign of castration.

women who castrate men
When you castrate a woman, she was greatly in need of two things: either it wants attention or she has something to tell you but do not know how to express themselves. In both cases, it used castration to attract your attention and to take his frustrations on you.

It is important for you to understand the three basic forms of castration so you can quickly identify when a woman castrating you. From there, you'll be able to see the attack and decide how to react or not react.

Women Who Castrating Men For Fun | Why women feel have the right to be angry?

Women Who Castrating Men For Fun - Why women feel have the right to be angry?

A piece of the puzzle is that women can be incredibly angry and resentful. So when you enter a conflict with a woman, then she feels as if she has the right to be as wicked as the mean and she wants to be.

Women Who Castrating Men For Fun

One reason she thinks this way is that most women were raised to repress their anger and be calm, polite, etc. So when they become women feel as if they have a duration of life to express anger on everyone who will take the punishment.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Women take their anger out on the men they like the most.

Even if it sounds downright wacky, women tend to express their anger at the men they love most. Think of it this way: Women can express their anger and do not hesitate to show the parties most petty and ugly themselves to men they really trust.

women who castrating men for fun
As much as it sucks to have a woman like you be angry and attack you, it probably feels free enough with you to express that part of herself because she cares about you and hope you will.

Are we saying that you should beat the she out of you? No way, Jose. We say that most men do not know how to handle an angry woman, and it might give you some comfort in the face of attack by a woman, whether she did this in part because she has confidence in you.

In addition, women often test people to see how committed they are, and how it is safe for them to express themselves by being angry. Women do this to see how you react. Do you yell back? Do you run away? Their attack is a test to see how you react.